Extract model, price, year and other details from WhatsApp group chats to help you quickly understand market trends and find the best deals. This can help you earn at least $10,000 more per month!
With your authorization, WatchWA retrieves messages from your WhatsApp group chats. Our trained AI model analyzes these messages to extract information such as model, price, and year for popular brands like Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, Rolex, and Vacheron Constantin. This allows you to quickly understand current market trends for watch prices. Based on our internal testing, our model can identify over 3,000 price-related messages daily.
A customer wanted to purchase a Patek Philippe 5711, but we didn’t have it in stock. Using WatchWA, we found a trusted dealer with the item, obtained pricing, and added a margin to offer it to the customer.
All prices are sorted from lowest to highest.
For example, yesterday’s price was $100,000, but today it’s $98,000.
Someone has been posting the same watch for 20 days without selling it.
How many people are posting the Patek Philippe 5711.
Get notified when a Patek Philippe 5711 is listed for less than $100,000!
See how fluctuations in demand indicate pricing trends.
Our AI matches people looking for the 5711 with sellers offering it. Sales teams only need to negotiate with both sides.
Your competitors might already be using WatchWA to stay ahead in the market.